
Writing workflows is hard. Testing if they are correct is even harder. Testing with bash scripts or other code has some flaws. Is this bug in the pipeline or in my test-framework? Pytest-workflow aims to make testing as simple as possible so you can focus on debugging your pipeline.


Pytest-workflow is tested on python 3.5, 3.6, 3.7 and 3.8. Python 2 is not supported.

In a virtual environment

  • Create a new python3 virtual environment.
  • Make sure your virtual environment is activated.
  • Install using pip pip install pytest-workflow.

On Ubuntu or Debian

  • This requires the python3 and python3-pip packages to be installed.
  • Installing
    • system-wide: sudo python3 -m pip install pytest-workflow.
    • for your user only (no sudo needed): python3 -m pip install --user pytest-workflow
  • pytest can now be run with python3 -m pytest.


Running plain pytest on Ubuntu or Debian outside of a virtual environment will not work with pytest-workflow because this will start the python2 version of pytest. This is because python2 is the default python on any distribution released before January 1st 2020.


Pytest-workflow is also available as a conda package on conda-forge. To install with conda:

Writing tests with pytest-workflow

Getting started

In order to write tests that are discoverable by the plugin you need to complete the following steps.

  • Create a tests directory in the root of your repository.
  • Create your test yaml files in the tests directory. The files need to start with test and have a .yml or .yaml extension.

Below is an example of a YAML file that defines a test:

- name: Touch a file
  command: touch test.file
    - path: test.file

This will run touch test.file and check afterwards if a file with path: test.file is present. It will also check if the command has exited with exit code 0, which is the only default test that is run. Testing workflows that exit with another exit code is also possible.

Test options

- name: moo file                     # The name of the workflow (required)
  command: bash      # The command to execute the workflow (required)
  files:                             # A list of files to check (optional)
    - path: "moo.txt"                # File path. (Required for each file)
      contains:                      # A list of strings that should be in the file (optional)
        - "moo"
      must_not_contain:              # A list of strings that should NOT be in the file (optional)
        - "Cock a doodle doo"
      md5sum: e583af1f8b00b53cda87ae9ead880224   # Md5sum of the file (optional)

- name: simple echo                  # A second workflow. Notice the starting `-` which means
  command: "echo moo"                # that workflow items are in a list. You can add as much workflows as you want
    - path: "moo.txt"
      should_exist: false            # Whether a file should be there or not. (optional, if not given defaults to true)
  stdout:                            # Options for testing stdout (optional)
    contains:                        # List of strings which should be in stdout (optional)
      - "moo"
    must_not_contain:                # List of strings that should NOT be in stout (optional)
      - "Cock a doodle doo"

- name: mission impossible           # Also failing workflows can be tested
  tags:                              # A list of tags that can be used to select which test
    - should fail                    # is run with pytest using the `--tag` flag.
  command: bash
  exit_code: 2                       # What the exit code should be (optional, if not given defaults to 0)
    - path: "fail.log"               # Multiple files can be tested for each workflow
    - path: "TomCruise.txt.gz"       # Gzipped files can also be searched, provided their extension is '.gz'
        - "starring"
  stderr:                            # Options for testing stderr (optional)
    contains:                        # A list of strings which should be in stderr (optional)
      - "BSOD error, please contact the IT crowd"
    must_not_contain:                # A list of strings which should NOT be in stderr (optional)
      - "Mission accomplished!"

The above YAML file contains all the possible options for a workflow test.


Workflow names must be unique. Pytest workflow will crash when multiple workflows have the same name, even if they are in different files.

Writing custom tests

Pytest-workflow provides a way to run custom tests on files produced by a workflow.

import pathlib
import pytest

@pytest.mark.workflow(name='files containing numbers')
def test_div_by_three(workflow_dir):
    number_file = pathlib.Path(workflow_dir, "123.txt")
    number_file_content = number_file.read_text()
    assert int(number_file_content) % 3 == 0

The @pytest.mark.workflow(name='files containing numbers') marks the test as belonging to a workflow named files containing numbers. The mark can also be written without the explicit name key as @pytest.mark.workflow('files containing nummbers'). This test will only run if the workflow ‘files containing numbers’ has run.

workflow_dir is a fixture. It does not work without a pytest.mark.workflow('workflow_name') mark. This is a pathlib.Path object that points to the folder where the named workflow was executed. This allows writing of advanced python tests for each file produced by the workflow.


stdout and stderr are available as files in the root of the workflow_dir as log.out and log.err respectively.

Running pytest-workflow


Run pytest from an environment with pytest-workflow installed or python3 -m pytest if using a system-wide or user-wide installation. Pytest will automatically gather files in the tests directory starting with test and ending in .yaml or .yml.

The workflows are run automatically. Each workflow gets its own temporary directory to run. The stdout and stderr of the workflow command are also saved to this directory to log.out and log.err respectively.

To check the progress of a workflow while it is running you can use tail -f on the stdout or stderr file of the workflow. The locations of these files are reported in the log as soon as a workflow is started.

Specific pytest options for pytest workflow

usage: pytest [-h] [--kwd] [--kwdof] [--wt WORKFLOW_THREADS]
              [--tag WORKFLOW_TAGS]

Named Arguments

--kwd, --keep-workflow-wd

Keep temporary directories where workflows are run for debugging purposes. This also triggers saving of stdout and stderr in the workflow directory.

Default: False

--kwdof, --keep-workflow-wd-on-fail

Similar to –keep-workflow-wd, but only keeps the temporary directories if there are test failures. On success all directories are deleted.

Default: False

--wt, --workflow-threads

The number of workflows to run simultaneously.

Default: 1


Run workflows with this name or tag.

Default: []

Temporary directory cleanup

The temporary directories are cleaned up after the tests are completed. If you wish to inspect the output of a failing workflow you can use the --keep-workflow-wd or --kwd flag to disable cleanup. This will also make sure the logs of the pipeline are not deleted. If you only want to keep directories when one or more tests fail you can use the --keep-workflow-wd-on-fail or --kwdof flag. --keep-workflow-wd-on-fail will keep all temporary directories, even from workflows that have succeeded.

If you wish to change the temporary directory in which the workflows are run use --basetemp <dir> to change pytest’s base temp directory.


When a directory is passed to --basetemp some of the directory contents will be deleted. For example: if your workflow is named "my workflow" then any file or directory named my_workflow will be deleted. This makes sure you start with a clean slate if you run pytest again with the same basetemp directory. DO NOT use --basetemp on directories where none of the contents should be deleted.

Running multiple workflows simultaneously

To run multiple workflows simultaneously you can use --workflow-threads <int> or --wt <int> flag. This defines the number of workflows that can be run simultaneously. This will speed up things if you have enough resources to process these workflows simultaneously.

Running specific workflows

To run a specific workflow use the --tag flag. Each workflow is tagged with its own name and additional tags in the tags key of the yaml.

- name: moo
    - animal
  command: echo moo
- name: cock-a-doodle-doo
    - rooster sound
    - animal
  command: echo cock-a-doodle-doo
- name: vroom vroom
    - car
  command: echo vroom vroom

With the command pytest --tag moo only the workflow named ‘moo’ will be run. With pytest --tag 'rooster sound' only the ‘cock-a-doodle-doo’ workflow will run. Multiple tags can be used like this: pytest --tag 'rooster sound' --tag animal This will run all workflows that have both ‘rooster sound’ and ‘animal’.

Internally names and tags are handled the same so if the following tests:

- name: hello
  command: echo 'hello'
- name: hello2
  command: echo 'hello2'
    - hello

are run with pytest --tag hello then both hello and hello2 are run.


Snakemake example

An example yaml file that could be used to test a snakemake pipeline is listed below.

- name: test-dry-run
  command: snakemake -n -r -p -s Snakefile
- name: test-full-run
  command: snakemake -r -p -s Snakefile
    - "my_output.txt"
     - "(100%) done"

WDL with Cromwell example

Below an example yaml file is explained which can be used to test a WDL pipeline run through Cromwell.

By default Cromwell outputs its files in the execution folder in a deeply-nested folder structure. Cromwell can output to a separate workflow-outputs folder and since Cromwell version 40 it can also output the files in a structure that is not nested. For more information check the Cromwell documentation on global workflow options.

In order to run Cromwell for CI tests an options file should be present in the repository with the following contents:

"final_workflow_outputs_dir": "test-output",
"use_relative_output_paths": true

final_workflow_outputs_dir will make sure all the files produced in the workflow will be copied to the final_workflow_outputs_dir. use_relative_output_paths will get rid of all the Cromwell specific folders such as call-myTask etc.

The following yaml file tests a Cromwell pipeline. In this case Cromwell is installed via conda. The conda installation adds a wrapper to Cromwell so it can be used as a command, instead of having to use the jar.

- name: My pipeline
  command: cromwell run -i inputs.json -o options.json moo.wdl
    - path: test-output/moo.txt.gz
      md5sum: 173fd8023240a8016033b33f42db14a2
      - "WorkflowSucceededState"

Known issues

  • pytest-workflow does not work well together with pytest-cov. This is due to the temporary directory creating nature of pytest-workflow. This can be solved by using:

    coverage run --source=<your_source_here> -m py.test <your_test_dir>

    This will work as expected.

Reporting bugs and feature requests

Bugs can be reported and features can be requested on our Github issue tracker.

The aim of this project is to be as user-friendly as possible for writing workflow tests, so all suggestions and bug reports are welcome!


If you feel like this project is missing a certain something, feel free to make a pull request. You can find our Github page here.


version 1.2.3

  • Added missing help section for --tag on the CLI.
  • Documentation: added usage chapter for pytest-workflow specific options.
  • Documentation: updated Cromwell example.
  • Removed redundant references to pylint in code comments and CI.
  • Remove Codacy from the CI.

version 1.2.2

  • Test against python3.8
  • Do not test on python3.5 snakemake as it crashes. Added test for python3.7 snakemake.
  • Fix a typo in the documentation.
  • Add tags ‘wdl’, ‘cromwell’ and ‘snakemake’ to the package to increase discoverability.
  • Remove pylint from the lint procedure as it was very strict and got stricter with every update, causing tests that previously succeeded to fail on a regular basis.
  • Make sure pytest-workflow crashes when multiple workflows have the same name, even when they are in different files.
  • Added setup.cfg to include license in source distributions on PyPI for future versions

version 1.2.1

  • Since pytest 4.5.0 unknown markers give a warning. @pytest.mark.workflow markers are now added to the configuration. Information on usage shows up with pytest --mark.
  • Updated documentation to reflect the move to conda-forge as requested on this github issue.
  • Updated documentation on how to test Cromwell + WDL pipelines.

version 1.2.0

  • Giving a --basetemp directory that is within pytest’s current working directory will now raise an exception to prevent infinite recursive directory copying.
  • The cleanup message is only displayed when pytest-workflow is used.
  • Added a --keep-workflow-wd-on-fail or --kwdof flag. Setting this flag will make sure temporary directories are only deleted when all tests succeed.

version 1.1.2

  • Fixed a bug where the program would hang indefinitely after a user input error.

version 1.1.1

  • Added --kwd as alias for --keep-workflow-wd. Notify the user of deletion of temporary directories and logs.
  • Released pytest-workflow as a conda package on bioconda.

version 1.1.0

  • Enabled custom tests on workflow files.

Version 1.0.0

Lots of small fixes that improve the usability of pytest-workflow are included in version 1.0.0.

  • Gzipped files can now also be checked for contents. Files with ‘.gz’ as extension are automatically decompressed.

  • stdout and stderr of workflows are now streamed to a file instead of being kept in memory. This means you can check the progress of a workflow by running tail -f <stdout or stderr>. The location of stdout and stderr is now reported at the start of each worflow. If the --keep-workflow-wd is not set the stdout and stderr files will be deleted with the rest of the workflow files.

  • The log reports now when a workflow is starting, instead of when it is added to the queue. This makes it easier to see which workflows are currently running and if you forgot to use the --workflow-threads or --wt flag.

  • Workflow exit code failures now mention the name of the workflow. Previously the generic name “Workflow” was used, which made it harder to figure out which workflows failed.

  • When tests of file content fail because the file does not exist, a different error message is given compared to when the file exist, but the content is not there, which makes debugging easier. Also the accompanying “FileNotFound” error stacktrace is now suppressed, which keeps the test output more pleasant.

  • When tests of stdout/stderr content or file content fail a more informative error message is given to allow for easier debugging.

  • All workflows now get their own folder within the same temporary directory. This fixes a bug where if basetemp was not set, each workflow would get its own folder in a separate temp directory. For example running workflows ‘workflow1’ and ‘workflow2’ would create two temporary folders:

    ‘/tmp/pytest_workflow_33mrz5a5/workflow1’ and ‘/tmp/pytest_workflow_b8m1wzuf/workflow2’

    This is now changed to have all workflows in one temporary directory per pytest run:

    ‘/tmp/pytest_workflow_33mrz5a5/workflow1’ and ‘/tmp/pytest_workflow_33mrz5a5/workflow2’

  • Disallow empty command and name keys. An empty command caused pytest-workflow to hang. Empty names are also disallowed.

Version 0.4.0

  • Added more information to the manual on how to debug pipelines and use pytest-workflow outside a virtual environment.
  • Reworked code to use tempfile.mkdtemp to create a truly unique temporary working directory if the --basetemp flag is not used. This replaces the old code which dependeded on pytest internal code which was flagged as deprecated. Also more information was added to the manual about the use of --basetemp.
  • Added a test case for WDL pipelines run with Cromwell and wrote an example for using WDL+Cromwell in the manual.
  • Added --tag flag to allow for easier selection of workflows during testing.
  • Added a test case for snakemake pipelines and wrote an example for using pytest-workflow with snakemake in the manual.

Version 0.3.0

  • Improved the log output to look nicer and make workflow log paths easier to find in the test output.
  • Fixed an error that polluted the log message with a pytest stacktrace when running more than one workflow. Measures are taken in our test framework to detect such issues in the future.
  • Added the possibility to run multiple workflows simultaneously with the --workflow-threads or --wt flag.
  • Made code easier to maintain by using stdlib instead of pytest’s py lib in all of the code.
  • Added a schema check to ensure that tests have unique names when whitespace is removed.

Version 0.2.0

  • Cleanup the readme and move advanced usage documentation to our readthedocs page.
  • Start using sphinx and for creating project documentation.
  • The temporary directories in which workflows are run are automatically cleaned up at the end of each workflow test. You can disable this behaviour by using the --keep-workflow-wd flag, which allows you to inspect the working directory after the workflow tests have run. This is useful for debugging workflows.
  • The temporary directories in which workflows are run can now be changed by using the --basetemp flag. This is because pytest-workflow now uses the built-in tmpdir capabilities of pytest.
  • Save stdout and stderr of each workflow to a file and report their locations to stdout when running pytest.
  • Comprehensible failure messages were added to make debugging workflows easier.

Version 0.1.0

  • A full set of examples is now provided in the README.
  • Our code base is now checked by pylint and bandit as part of our test procedure to ensure that our code adheres to python and security best practices.
  • Add functionality to test whether certain strings exist in files, stdout and stderr.
  • Enable easy to understand output when using pytest verbose mode (pytest -v). The required code refactoring has simplified the code base and made it easier to maintain.
  • Enable the checking of non-existing files
  • Enable the checking of file md5sums
  • Use a schema structure that is easy to use and understand.
  • Pytest-workflow now has continuous integration and coverage reporting, so we can detect regressions quickly and only publish well-tested versions.
  • Fully parametrized tests enabled by changing code structure.
  • Initialized pytest-workflow with option to test if files exist.